• I am a professional psychotherapist who specializes in relationships and emotions. Partner dancing requires connection and feelings. I am passionate about integrating my professional experience with the parallels in dancing.

  • I am an experiential therapist - which means I want you to get out of your head and into your body at times. Sometimes what we "know" in our rational brain, doesn't correlate with what our body "feels." Things like - I know I need to relax, but I can't help feeling nervous!

  • When you read my articles, I will offer you experiential exercises. To make the most out of them, don't just read through the articles. When I ask you a question, it's an invitation to stop, close your eyes, and notice what your body says in response to my question. Don't over think, don't try to get the right answer, be as honest as you can about what your heart says. There's no wrong answers. The more authentic you can be without judgment, the more you might learn! I hope these will be useful to you

  • I am not a dance instructor, I am an intermediate dancer (mainly Latin and kizomba), so if you ever see any videos of me dancing, please don't think I'm a technical role model for how to dance! :P

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Checkout past reels about dancing on YouTube.

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